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Sprayer Solid Tyres

Sprayer Solid Tyres

Available Tyre Sizes: 1000mm (39Inch) Outer Diameter X width 100mm (4Inch) 1300mm (51Inch) Outer Diameter X width 100mm (4Inch)
Coming Shortly: 1800mm(71Inch) Outer Diameter X width 100mm (4Inch)

Product Uses: -
These tyres up more height tractor body so the tractors can pass easily over the crop. 
To modify tractor in to sprayer. These tyres come in big diameter and narrow so that tractor go in farm over crop and crop does not damage.
Cultivate farm easily without destroy crop.

Product Description: -
Solid tyres rim made from heavy duty squire pipe and flat strip. Rugged design.
Tyre Tread designed deep for superior grip the tractor. The tyre rubber having
good abrasion property with high bonding strength.